Azure Cloud shell for PowerShell is now available from Azure Web Console and Azure Mobile App

Recently in the Microsoft Ignite 2017, Microsoft has announced the availability of the PowerShell interface for the Cloud Shell. This is something which was long awaited after the launch of the Cloud Shell. Not too long ago whenever I used to try to open Cloud Shell after the creation of a default storage account, Cloud Shell used to open for the Bash Scripting L, with a message that PowerShell is coming soon, as you can see below.

However after the recent announcement at Ignite on Sept. 26th when I have tried this I have found the following, which has made me happyJ.

A DIR command list all Azure subscriptions I am using in my environment.

This is a great move by Microsoft and another exciting announcement at Ignite. I have tried to launch the cloud shell from my Samsung mobile(Android) with Azure Mobile App and it shows like this.

So it’s a good opportunity for the PowerShell scripting guy’s to try their hand with this new Cloud Shell. Please comment with your feedback.

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