How to Create a Conditional Access Policy for Windows 365 using the Microsoft Graph API

Today I have decided to share the script related to creating conditional access policy. You can download the same from my github link following this article. 

  1. Register an EntraID App and assign the Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess permission.
  2. Install dependencies:
  3. pip install msal requests
  4. Replace placeholder values (TENANT_ID, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET) with your Azure AD credentials.

You can download the script from my github repo here.
Explanation of this above script:

  1. Authenticates with Microsoft Graph API using the MSAL library.
  2. Defines a Conditional Access Policy that:
    • Applies to Windows 365 and related services.
    • Requires Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
    • Targets all users on Windows devices.
    • Applies only from trusted locations.
  3. Sends the policy to Microsoft Graph API.

How to Run

Pull or download the script from my github repo and Save the script as or can give any name of your choice, then execute:


If everything is set up correctly, you should see:

✅Conditional Access Policy created successfully!

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