Where you can you find the Service Outage Alerts when you have moved your VDI resources in Cloud.

If you have migrated your VDI resources in Azure, you can still check out for Global Service Outage Alerts.

You can monitor global outage alerts for Azure, Microsoft 365, and Citrix services through their respective status pages:

Regularly consulting these status pages lets you stay informed about any service disruptions or maintenance activities affecting these platforms.

In addition to these official status pages, you can subscribe to RSS feeds or set up email notifications for real-time updates.

For Azure, you can configure Azure Monitor Alerts to get notified of potential issues affecting your services. Similarly, Microsoft 365 Admin Center provides a Service Health Dashboard where administrators can get personalized alerts and reports.

For Citrix, subscribing to status.cloud.com notifications can help IT admins stay ahead of potential service disruptions.

If you need a more automated approach, integrating these status updates into tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack, or ServiceNow using APIs can streamline incident management and response times.

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