Passed the AZ-140 (Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop) specialty exam today – 2nd Day of the release in India

It’s great pleasure to announce that today, I have passed the AZ-140 exam (Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop) specialty certification, this is a brand new exam to judge your Azure Virtual Desktop skills and this exam has been released in India yesterday, it was in beta stage in many countries outside India, regardless of how long people have waited for the exam, the good news is the long wait is over yesterday when the exam was declared as generally available.

For more details about the general availability of the exam check here.

More details of the exam were available here. I have tried to give the exam yesterday as well however I was unable to book it. Today is the day when I have finally able to manage to take the exam and maybe because of my last one and a half year of work on WVD (aka AVD), it was just like a piece of cake for me.

Thanks again to everyone to read this post, you have a great day ahead.

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