In my last post in May, I have shown how to create a VM from template in SCVMM 2016, in this post I will show how to create a VM without a template in SCVMM. In the first step please click on the VM’s icon in the menu ribbon as shown below. Next step is
Recently I got a chance to work on Azure AD Privileged Identity Manager which can enable any enterprise to reduce risks associated with privileged users and their access rights. Azure AD Privileged Identity Management is available as part of the Premium P2 edition of Azure AD. Before you start planning for Azure PIM, you need
Let’s see about how we can manage the Azure VM’s with SCVMM 2016, if you have any SCVMM infrastructure already deployed in your on premise environment you can use that to do some basic tasks with Azure VM instances. Why I believe this is a good feature? I like this feature because by adding Azure