Another traffic routing method has been added to Azure Traffic Manager

Recently I have noticed a fourth traffic routing method which has been added to Azure Traffic Manager traffic routing method.

The new method is called Geographic. As per Microsoft these are the following traffic routing method which is available now.

  • Priority: Select ‘Priority’ when you want to use a primary service endpoint for all traffic, and provide backups in case the primary or the backup endpoints are unavailable.
  • Weighted: Select ‘Weighted’ when you want to distribute traffic across a set of endpoints, either evenly or according to weights, which you define.
  • Performance: Select ‘Performance’ when you have endpoints in different geographic locations and you want end users to use the “closest” endpoint in terms of the lowest network latency.
  • Geographic: Select ‘Geographic’ so that users are directed to specific endpoints (Azure, External or Nested) based on which geographic location their DNS query originates from. This empowers Traffic Manager customers to enable scenarios where knowing a user’s geographic region and routing them based on that is important. Examples include complying with data sovereignty mandates, localization of content & user experience and measuring traffic from different regions.


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