Azure resource health should be the first place to check any issues with Azure Services

It’s always recommended to check Azure Resource Health before doing any further troubleshooting. I am giving you two interesting examples which we have seen in the past.

Recently few DBA’s has complained about the slow running of the SQL queries in some of our large ERP databases for some of the day in a week. During the investigation, they have revealed that the database tables which have rows more than one million are taking almost 350 secs for a particular period of the day although usually, it takes no longer than 10 secs.

It may be related to the planning of maintenance activities. Always check your Resource Health for any unavailable resources during the said period of time. To check the resource health go to the SQL database and navigate to the Resource health tab

Another example is a VM is suddenly got disconnected and not available to the users.

The ping request is also failing.

The VM came back after some time, however, the team has wasted some valuable time thinking it’s a network issue. And had engaged the network team for the troubleshooting.

After two days when we have checked the Azure resource, we have seen the below health issues on that particular day.

So from next time you see some issues related to your Azure resources go to Settings->Support-Troubleshooting and check the azure resource health. The troubleshooting section will give you a guided step by step experience to diagnose the issue and medicate the issue.

Even in the recommended steps of troubleshooting also it’s always mentioned that check the resource health as the first place of troubleshooting.

I hope this small piece of information might help you. I will try to bring more on Azure platform related troubleshooting steps in my future posts, thanks for your valuable time and stay tuned for further.

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