Add managed disk to your Azure VM without any downtime.

Dear friends, today I am going to show you how to add a non OS disk to the Azure VM in the fly without any downtime. I have a Windows VM, where I would like to add an additional disk. When I click on the this PC it was showing me only the OS disk and the temporary storage drive(Which is by default created with any azure VM) so I have decided to add a data disk to this VM.

To achieve this, I went to VM blade and click on the disks.

The next step is to add the data disks. Click on Add data disk button. The maximum size of the data disk can be added is 4 TB as you can see below.

Once I clicked on the add data disk button it has allowed me to create the managed disks.

The difference between Azure managed disk and non-managed disks is something which I am planning to discuss in a different post in future. You can get an overview of the Azure managed disks here.

Now since I have clicked on the create button. I can find here that I have created a 100 GB disk, which is stored in a storage account which is in Standard_LRS type. Host caching is Read/Write type. (That means the disk is Read/Write type).

Once I have clicked the save button the disk is getting created as you can see the message below “Updating virtual machine disks”

Now the next step is to RDP into my VM and go to disk management. Right click on the disk which is shown and initialize it.

Once it’s initialized I have clicked on New Simple Volume and click on next

You can fine the following screen as shown below.

The next step is to give the size of the disk. I have chosen full 100 GB disk.

In the next step I have assigned a drive letter to the disk

And the last step is to format the disk

Once it’s completed I have clicked on the finish button.

Now the disk is still getting formatted

Now the format has completed and the disk is ready for my use.

That’s all for today, I hope you will like this post. I will bring more on managed disks in my next posts.

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