Charter Member MCSE Certificates for the Cloud Platform and Infrastructure and the difference with non-charter MCSE Certificate

Yesterday I have earned my 2nd MCSE Certificate for Cloud Platform and Infrastructure. However when I have closely compared both the MCSE certificates, I have found the certificate which I have earned on Nov. 21st 2016 is having charter member stamp on it as you can see below.

However the certificate which I have earned yesterday is not showing the charter member stamp on it as you can see here.

I have decided to call the MCP helpline in India and asked them about the difference and they have informed me that the first certificate contain the charter member stamp since I have completed the certificate within first 180 days of the release of the certificate while the 2nd one which I have earned yesterday is more than a year old now. She has also mentioned that candidates who earn the Microsoft certification within six months from the first date of the release of the certification program are eligible for Charter Member status. Charter Members receive a special Charter version of the certificate. This enables candidates who are early adopters of the certification to differentiate themselves from other candidates who hold the same certification. This is an interesting information and I thought to share with you all.

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