As you are aware in my last post I have shown you the steps to create the Azure SQL Managed instance, today I will show you how you can migrate SQL databases easily to SQL managed instance. For our PoC we have used the Azure DMS tool. What is Azure Data Migration Service? Azure Database
In August 2018, I have written a blog post regarding Azure SQL Managed Instance which you can read here. This blog post has more than 2700 views so far and has been referred in other blogs as well. Today in this post I am going to show you how quickly we can create SQL managed
When I was young, Dr. Albaan Hello Africa was one of my top favorites. I don’t remember how many times I have listened to that Album. As an Indian from that time I have grown lots of curiosity about Africa and started reading lots of books (the Internet was not available during that time) about
I have received another Global Award in the Azure Migration Project from Unisys Today. Thanks to the entire team who have closely worked with me. A snap while discussing a few migration experiences at the Global Award Program Stage. For a few of the followers who have requested me why no new posts in March.
At last another most awaited feature is enabled now for the Azure VM, it now enables you to reboot your VM from within the console experience. This ability will help you if you want to reboot a stuck VM or enter the boot menu of your VM. I have just tested it with one of
Yesterday Microsoft has released new features for the Azure Disaster Recovery Services. The following disaster recovery support are available now: Azure VMs in availability zones Encrypted VMs VMs using accelerated networking VMs using Storage Spaces Direct VMs using Standard Solid State Drive (SSD) disks Unmanaged VMs using firewall-enabled storage accounts New Linux versions A new
Azure File Sync has became a mega hit among all the recent infrastructure solutions provided by MS Azure, many enterprise are already moving their File Servers to Azure File Share and DFSR is widely replaced by Azure File Sync. But there are another side of it, you may face multiple errors while you move your
Hello Friends, from this month onwards, I will write about the few interesting Tips & Ticks which may help you in your day to day Azure deployments. I think you might have faced situation where you need to isolate the VM from the production or QA network for the troubleshooting purpose. This is mostly required
Many enterprises users across the globe were unable to sign into Microsoft Azure and Office 365 on Monday, as the result on ongoing multi-factor authentication (MFA) issues. The problem, which arose in the early hours of Monday morning and remains unresolved. As per the last update Engineers have explored mitigating a back-end service via deploying
There are lots of different types of logs generated in Azure, it’s very much confusing when you don’t know which logs to use for monitoring your resources and how to access them. Logs contain different kinds of data organized into records with different sets of properties for each type. Logs can contain numeric values like
There is no blog post in Why Azure from last one month and many people have contacted me for this. Actually, I was on vacation so didn’t get the time to write. PowerShell on CloudShell is now available in GA and it was announced in the Ignite 2018, the interesting fact is that it’s running
For the admins who are still thinking to replace their large file servers DFSR replication with Azure File Sync may hit a bottleneck if they do not have done the advance planning. Recently we have encountered an issue as you can see below, we have faced this issue when we have tried to run a
MS Ignite 2018 conference, has ended last week at Orlando, Florida. Similar to my last year post after the ignite, I thought to choose my top two takeaway from Ignite this year as well. Image: Orlando, Florida. Microsoft Ignite Venue. Last year after the end of Ignite 2017, I have posted details about Cloudnyn, which
Picture Credit: Almost a year back in the 17th of Sept. 2017, in one of my blog post, I have shown you how to add a disk to the Azure VM without any downtime,If you want to read more about that post you can click here. Today I have received a requirement where I
Picture Credit: Recently MS has introduced the upgradation of the storage account from GPv1 to GPv2, and there are many storage accounts which we have upgraded to version 2.0 so that we can schedule the backup of the file share in those storage accounts within the recovery services vault instead of using PowerShell scripts