SCOM 2016 Server installation on Windows Server 2016

Hello friends last time I have installed the SCOM Preview 3 on Windows 2016 Server, and this time I will go ahead and install the RTM version of the SCOM 2016 server which was released in Dec. 2016.

Once you run the setup of the SCOM server you can find the following screen.

There are few prerequisite for the SCOM server installation.

  1. Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime
  2. Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2016

The next step is shown below

Once the setup is unpacked you can see a folder called the following SC 2016 RTM SCOM

Now you start the installation.

Once you click on install you can see the following screen. I have decided to install all the features of the SCOM server 2016

Once you click next you will see the following screen.

After this step I have witnessed lots of errors since I have not installed the prerequisites so I have installed all the pre requisite to get rid of this error.

Here is the powershell command to install the necessary IIS feature which is one of the pre requisite


Web-Server, Web-WebServer, Web-Common-Http, Web-Default-Doc, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Static-Content, Web-Health, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Log-Libraries, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Performance, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Security, Web-Filtering, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-App-Dev, Web-Net-Ext45, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Mgmt-Tools, Web-Mgmt-Console, Web-Mgmt-Compat, Web-Metabase, NET-Framework-45-Features, NET-Framework-45-Core, NET-Framework-45-ASPNET, NET-WCF-Services45, NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45, NET-WCF-TCP-PortSharing45, WAS, WAS-Process-Model, WAS-Config-APIs

Once you run this command you can see the following screen.

Once the IIS is installed you can see the following screen.

Once the IIS is installed you have to run the following commands.

  1. cd %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\
  2. aspnet_regiis.exe -r
  4. Reboot the server.

You have also add the .net framework 3.5

Even after that also I was getting the error which has been resolved by adding the ASP.NET role service as shown below

Now all the prerequisite has passed

In the next step you need to define the SCOM server management group

You can see the license agreement

While proceeding further I got a new error and it’s the following one.

The computer running SQL Server must have the SQL Server Full-Text Search component installed. Please install this component on this instance of SQL Server before proceeding with Setup.

So I need to go back and need to install the SQL Server Full-Text Search component in the SQL server instance.

Once you run the setup you will find this after the successful completion.

Now go back to the SCOM server and run the setup again.

The next screen looks like this and everything looks good.

I have kept the same SQL server instance for data warehouse also. In the same instance it will create a new database.

Now I faced another issue that the SCOM report server was not showing in the drop down list. After doing some research I have found that we should have report server instance running on the same SCOM server.

Once I created the same I have found the following

The next error is about the SQL server agent which was not running on this machine and I need to start that.

Now all the SQL services are running in the SCOM server

The next step is the IIS website

Next is the authentication mode, I have chosen mixed mode.

In the next step I have choose the service account which will run all the services in SCOM and I have used a single service account for this. You may select multiple account.

Now the SCOM management server is installed you can see the below screen

Hope you like this post. In my next two post I will share how we can install SCOM monitoring agents in the on premise VM’s and Azure VM’s.

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