Today Why Azure Blog on Microsoft Azure has Crossed Two Hundred Thousand Visitors

Just after 1 year and 7 months of its launch, today my blog on Microsoft Azure has crossed 200000 (2 Lacs) visitors. I would like to thanks all the Microsoft Azure enthusiastic who have spent their valuable time in reading my blog posts. When I have started writing in Jan. 2017 I have never thought that I will get such overwhelming response. The blog is completely ad free and doesn’t contain any advertisements other than rich contents related to MS Azure. Although I am working on MS technologies from last 18 years but never thought to create a blog of my own. I am happy that this initiative has helped the MS Azure Community in a great way. The articles written in this blog are just the content extracts from my day to day work and I am happy that people love to read them.

Some of the milestones during this period is that the blog has been indexed by Google India in first page in both desktop and mobile search engine.

On desktop search

One of the article on Azure Pre Sales has been selected has top blog picks by Ruben Spruijt from Nov 2017. This article has also got 733 hits in first few hours of launch.

My articles are also re-published in many other blogs as shown below.

Although there is a good side of it that the blog has been read by many users across India and world but during this journey my blog has been hacked once and I need to spend many hours to clean my blog. Also I spend great amount of time to save the blog from the attackers. The idea of this blog is not only distributing tech contents related to MS Azure but I also wanted to spread the field experiences related to Azure Infrastructure and Pre Sales areas. If you are reading this post I am sure you have already read my other blog posts. Nothing much and thank you again for spending time on reading my blog.

You have a nice day ahead.

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