I think you all know that in every organization one of the main objective towards the journey to public cloud is to cut down the capex cost. And we all need to come across this cost cutting exercise in time to time. Today I am going to write about a recent project where I have
In my last post I have explained the cost advantage of using the Azure File Share for the Oracle database backup, I got a question where someone has asked how to create and configure the file share in the Oracle VM and how we can make sure that when we map the drive the drive
It gives me immense pleasure to share that Microsoft have recognised and rewarded me again for Azure and I have won the Azure Master of the Month Award for Feb. 2018. My brief profile has been published in the Azure Master Site. https://www.azuremaster.in/azure-master-of-month
Picture Credit: Royalty free photos from pexels.com I am sure many of you are already planning or have already moved oracle databases to Azure VM. In any IT infrastructure landscape Oracle workload migration to public cloud is one of the most difficult task and needed to be planned well in advance. If your organisation is
Recently we have seen blue screen error in one of the Azure Windows VM and after lot’s of troubleshooting steps when we not able to rectify the issue and (before opening a case with Microsoft) we have thought to check with the backup team so that we can restore the VM from the Azure backup
Last two weeks in most of the organizations the windows team must be busy in applying patches to hundreds of Servers after the information of the serious design flaw with Intel, ARM and AMD based chips that allowed programs to read the contents and layout of a computers protected kernel. Patches has been applied to
At least after four years of announcement of the Azure Resource Manager portal (Well known as Azure Preview Portal), Microsoft today has removed the Azure Classic Portal website. Although it’s not a surprise for most of you since there is a notice in the classic portal, for the last one month. And I am sure
Announced in the Pearson VUE site if you are taking any Microsoft Exams in between December 20th to January 31st 2018, you are eligible to get a free T-Shirt irrespective of whether you pass or fail the exam. Not only that if you complete your exam by Dec. 31st you will receive a bonus gift
My dear all Azure Pre Sales Friends, we are in end of 2017 and in this year we have seen Microsoft Azure market expanded very fast. And now it’s started boiling with fierce competition from all corners. Most of the large deals which has surfaced around the globe are either for AWS or Azure, mostly
During 2015-16, I have attended many sessions with the Simplivity technical team. And in many of their sessions they have informed that Simplivity can run below the Microsoft Azure Stack which was in beta that time but now after the ignite 2017, Azure stack is available as full product and ready to deploy but we
Microsoft is planning to upgrade App Service and Functions infrastructure to Windows Server 2016. This updates paves the way to allow the HTTP/2 protocol for App Service and Functions. For HTTP/2 support they will send communications when it will be available worldwide. The update will began on Monday, December 4, 2017, and continue through January
This article is targeted to the beginners who have started learning Azure not very long ago. In this post I am going to discuss about the two most popular Azure storage tools that is available right now for Azure storage related day to day tasks. I hope you must have already guessed about the names
Although this is a technical blog but I don’t able to stop myself citing an incident which I have witnessed recently which is somehow related to the technical aspect of this post. Picture Credit: Royalty free photos from pexels.com Last September there was a case of fraudulent transaction reported by one of my very close
Are you planning to move your on premise file servers to Azure if yes this post can help you to do a better planning for the steps required for seamless movement of the file share to Azure, before you plan the actual move let’s see what are very important factors which we need to consider
I have been frequently asked this question in many meetup by Azure developers who have created hundreds and thousands of containers inside the Azure storage account and they wanted to know how they can take the backup of the complete Azure storage account. I think this is a common question which has been asked by