Step by Step Deployment of Microsoft Cloud PC (Windows 365 Enterprise) from Scratch – Part 2

In my last post here I have discussed about how to create the On-Premises Network Connection for the Windows 365 Enterprise based Cloud PC deployment, in today’s post I am going to write details about all the other remaining steps for the cloud PC deployment.

Step 2: Create the
Provisioning Policy for the cloud PC

In this step I have switched to the Provisioning Policy tab and clicked on the create policy button

As you see below, I am creating the policy

In next step I need to select the image.

I have chosen to select the image from the Gallery Image. These imaged are coming from Azure Market Place.

I have chosen the Windows 11 Enterprise + Microsoft 365 Apps 21H2, this is the latest Windows 11 with Office 365 apps available at present.

In next step I need to create a security group in Active Directory for the users who are going to use this cloud PC.

I have synced this group to Azure AD immediately to save the time.

Next step I check the sync status of the cloud PC security group in the Azure AD

In the next step I have gone to the assignment section and assigned the CloudPC security group.

In the next step I have clicked the create button and created the Cloud PC provisioning policy.

Once It’s created, I can view the policy which is supported.

The new Cloud PCs start to provision directly for the Azure AD group members that you assigned to the provisioning policy.

After 20 – 30 minutes your Cloud PCs are ready to use and the status has changed to Provisioned.

Also please make sure you have assigned the license of cloud PC in the Endpoint manager portal.

Step 3: Check the user experience of the cloud PC.

Now once the cloud PC is assigned let’s see the user experience of it. First I have logged in with the web portal to access the cloud PC at, I can see the below welcome screen.

When I click next I can see the below screen

In next screen it will show like this.

In next screen I can see that my cloud PC is ready for use.

The welcome screen will look like this

In the next step I have though to check the Cloud PC access with the Microsoft Remote Desktop (MSRDC) client. So I have downloaded the client for my Windows system

After sometime I can see that the client is refreshing my feed.

I can see the below Cloud PC appear

I have double clicked the Cloud PC it has prompted for the credentials.

After entering the credential it has allowed me to log in

I can see the below screen.

That’s all for today, I hope you have liked my last two blog posts about the complete step by step deployment of Cloud PC.

You have a good day ahead.

Stay Tuned for more in Windows Cloud PC.

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