Setup your on premise SQL server environment with SQL Server 2014

Once I have created the Active Directory and Domain Controller in my enviroemnt the next step is to install the SQL server database.

The 2nd step to setup the Microsoft based on-premise IT infrastructure is to setup the SQL server infrastructure. In our demo enviroment I have started with a single insatnce of the SQL serer in a VM. I will show the step by step installation of the SQL server 2014 standard edition.

1st Step: Once you down load the SQL server setup from the MSDN. You can run the setup, generally the product key come with your MSDN subscription.

2nd Step: Run the setup.

3rd Step: Please select the SQL server feature.

Here I have selected the Database Engine Service and Management Tools Complete.

Microsoft .net framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 is required and I need to install it separately.

4th Step: Select the instance name. I have created a names instance. And provided the below configuration information.

Once the installation is completed you can check whether the services are running or not.

As we can see in the above screenshot that services are running fine.

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