Cloud Engineers don’t afraid of job loss in this Covid-19 era as cloud adoption for business is increasing significantly

I know many of you are worried about the present Covid-19 situation and afraid of losing your jobs.  Many of my friends have asked this questions to me during the entire lockdown period in India. I feel if you are a cloud engineer or admins and if you are afraid of job loss due to Covid-19, the chances of losing a job are very less likely. Microsoft has reported a 750% surge in the usage in Azure Cloud in March 2020 and the cloud adoption is increasing significantly in all businesses. Due to Covid-19, the dependency on self-managed data centers and CAPEX investment got a massive hit due to the virus spread out and when cash is regarded as king in this volatile market.

State of the Cloud report from Flexera indicates the COVID-19 pandemic increased the use of cloud computing platforms among enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses.

Picture Source: Flexera.

As you can clearly see that most of the enterprises are planning to increase their public cloud spend in the coming days and there will be a lot of work for the cloud admins, pre-sales folks, and public cloud engineers. And I am sure if you are already working with Azure or any public cloud you might have already experienced an increase in the cloud deployment in the last couple of months.

While working from home you will save the time to commute your office and some kind of flexibility which you can leverage to learn the new cloud technologies which will give you the upper hand than the traditional on-premises admins. Since contactless infrastructure, BYOD, and VDI environments in the cloud going to increase and most of the organizations will try to move to the public cloud in the near future and there are definitely lots of jobs to be done in the coming days.

So, stay calm, get good sleep, give your best to learn new things and enjoy your WFH, and be relaxed!!!

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