Hello friends last time I have installed the SCOM Preview 3 on Windows 2016 Server, and this time I will go ahead and install the RTM version of the SCOM 2016 server which was released in Dec. 2016. Once you run the setup of the SCOM server you can find the following screen. There are
Dear friends today I have installed the SQL server always on at whyazure.in domain The prerequisite for this is the configuration of a windows cluster. The steps to configure a windows cluster I will discuss in another post. Once the windows cluster is created please install the SQL server standalone install. The details steps were
On 17th of July Eric Ligman has shared an URL to download free e-books, 2017 and this is 2nd time in row, last time he has published the e-book download URL in 2016. . This URL contains e-book in all the Microsoft Subjects. Anyone can download as many e-books they wanted and it’s really free.
Dear friends, today I will show you how to install the Root Certificate Authority Role in Windows 2016 Server. I am sure many of you who are Windows System Admins have installed this role many times in past on various versions of Windows Server. For myself also the story is also same, however this is
In my last post in May, I have shown how to create a VM from template in SCVMM 2016, in this post I will show how to create a VM without a template in SCVMM. In the first step please click on the VM’s icon in the menu ribbon as shown below. Next step is
Recently I got a chance to work on Azure AD Privileged Identity Manager which can enable any enterprise to reduce risks associated with privileged users and their access rights. Azure AD Privileged Identity Management is available as part of the Premium P2 edition of Azure AD. Before you start planning for Azure PIM, you need
Let’s see about how we can manage the Azure VM’s with SCVMM 2016, if you have any SCVMM infrastructure already deployed in your on premise environment you can use that to do some basic tasks with Azure VM instances. Why I believe this is a good feature? I like this feature because by adding Azure
Dear Friends, Today I will show how to deploy a virtual Machine from template in SCVMM First please go to the library and select the VM template and right click on it and click on the deploy button. Once you click on deploy, you can see the available host and rating of those hosts. As
Recently I have noticed a fourth traffic routing method which has been added to Azure Traffic Manager traffic routing method. The new method is called Geographic. As per Microsoft these are the following traffic routing method which is available now. Priority: Select ‘Priority’ when you want to use a primary service endpoint for all traffic, and
Dear readers in today’s post I am going to show you how we can create and store a VM in the SCVMM library in very easy step by step process. In the first step you can select the VM which you would like to store in the library. In my case I have chosen to
Azure CDN is the buzzword and very much in the news now a days. The simple use of Azure CDN is to distribute large files. Use of Azure CDN will reduce the download time of the large files since it will cache the file to the nearest data center of the users who are accessing
As an Azure Architect it’s very important we should understand about the public cloud and responsibility shared between the public cloud vendor and the organisation(Customer) who opted the public cloud. To know more about the public cloud and the shared responsibilities please visit my page here.